Do not inspect condom immediately before coitus :
Some times a wife gets dejected watching a husband tests the condom by blowing tobacco smoke into it. Remember! the pre-coital atmosphere has great bearing on the act to follow. That is why both partners should avoid creating a discouraging atmosphere. If a husband must test his condoms, he should inspect them at once long before use. Do not blow cigarette smote into condom to find pinholes, as they are likely to deteriorate because of smoke remaining in them. Pinholes usually occur in the depression between the tip where the semen accumulates and the main body of the condom and rarely in the lowest part. It is not necessary to unroll each condom and inspect the lower end. It suffices to inspect it by holding it against the light without unrolling it. Placing it on a sheet of black paper makes inspection easier.
Precautions :
A suprisingly large number of men do not know how to use the condom properly. This is why many complain of reduced sex sensation, or even of failure in birth control.
Apply condom in the middle of intercourse :
Some semen may leak even before ejaculation. In successive intercourse, particularly, there is always the danger of semen leakage as long as one does not urinate in between each session. Leaked semen should be distinguished from the mucous secretions which lubricates the penile glans prior to coitus and originates mainly from Cowper's glands and other small glands, which do not contain semen. A newly married man generally reaches ejaculation in a fairly short time, but after a while he will take a longer time and will come to know how much sexual friction will lead him to ejaculation. Thus, he will learn the right time to use the condom. By that time, the male sex organ will be thoroughly wet with the abudant mucous secretion from the Bartholin and other glands in the female sex organ. It is much easier to wear the condom on a wet penis than on a dry one preceding coitus.
If the woman secretion is inadequate he must rely on other media such as jelly or saliva to wear the condom. But the man should be blamed for poor secretion in the woman. If the condom is used when the vagina is not sufficiently lubricated, he will distinctly feel a disagreeable friction because of inadequate contact of penis and condom, while the woman on the other hand may even feel pain.
The condom may be tied at its base :
The common belief that the male sex organ does not vary between individuals as much as the female sex organ does is not necessarily true. There are individual differences in the length and thickness of the distended male sex organ the length averaging 12 centimeters (4.8 inches), the circumference at midshaft 11 centimeters (4.4 inches) as well as in thickness of the base. Consequently the condom may fit snugly as the penis base for some and may be loose for others.
Many worry about the condom slipping off during intercourse. This can be prevented by tying a ribbon around the base of the condom, which will not only keep the condom in place and but also have an added stimulative effect. The knot placed at the top will help stimulate the clitoris. The tied condom further enables the penis to be held in the vagina without fear of semen flowing out and into the female sex organs. Various kinds of condoms have appeared on the market recently. Some have extra-large openings, others have narrower, and still others contain jelly at the tip.
The important thing is to keep the air of the tip. This can be achieved by either or the following methods:
1 While pinching the condom tip with the fingers to press the air out, place the condom on the penis and unroll it.
2 Blow the condom tip inside out, twist it, place it on the penis, and unroll the condom. As this method takes more time, it is advisable to have the condom blown inside out previously and kept ready for use.
Combined use of jelly and condom :
Any man whose penis does not fit snugly in the condom, or who insists on wearing it from the beginning of sexual intercourse, is advised to apply jelly on the penis surface before putting on the condom. Also, a thin layer of jelly should be applied to the outside of the condom if the woman's secretion is insufficient. For better assurance a generous amount of jelly should be applied thickly on the tip of the penis. After all this precaution it is hardly necessary to insert jelly into the vagina for added precaution.
Withdraw condom with penis after coitus : Now and then, a careless man will withdraw his penis and leave the condom in the vagina. As a result the semen may spill out of the condom and may flow back into the vagina.
Women should draw thighs together :
To hold the penis in union a long time after ejaculation the woman should draw her thighs together. Since her orgasm lasts longer, the vagina continues convulsive contraction even after the penis starts shrinking. Consequentl, she must pull her thighs together to prevent the semen from flowing back into the vagina.
Clean seperately after coitus : The man and woman should use seperate tissue paper or towel to clean off mucus after coitus. If the same tissue/towel is used to clean the vagina after cleaning the penis, as many couples do, there is no sense in using the condom.
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